E-SIGN Disclosure

1. Scope of Disclosure.

  • This disclosure (“Disclosure”) applies to all notices, disclosures, statements, and other communications that Luqra, Inc. or its affiliates (“Luqra“) provide to you regarding Luqra products and services (“Services”). It also applies to agreements governing your use of the Services, and communications under them. All these communications and agreements are collectively referred to as “Communications.
  • By submitting an application or opening an account to use the Services, you agree to this Disclosure and confirm your consent to (a) receive Communications electronically; and (b) the use of electronic signatures. If you choose not to consent to this Disclosure or if you withdraw your consent, you may be unable to use the Services.

2. Communications that are covered.

  • Examples of Communications include:
  • Any disclosure statement governing your use of the Services;
  • Any disclosure required by Law;
  • Billing statements, receipts and account history reports;
  • Letters, notices and alerts regarding the Services and any changes to the Services;
  • Federal and state tax statements and documents; and
  • Other disclosures, notices and communications in connection with (a) your application for the Services; (b) your Luqra Account; (b) account maintenance; or (d) servicing and collection of funds.
  • This Disclosure applies to all Communications that Luqra provides to you on its behalf or on behalf of its service providers, Financial Partners and their affiliates.

3. Methods of Providing Communications.

  • Unless Law otherwise requires, or Luqra otherwise agrees, Luqra may provide Communications to you by (a) posting them on the Luqra Website; (b) notifying you through the Services, your Luqra Portal or any Luqra application; (c) sending a text message to the mobile phone number listed in the applicable Luqra Account; (d) sending an email to the email address listed in the applicable Luqra Account; or (e) delivering them in another electronic format. Charges may apply to Communications sent by text or other electronic means and message frequency varies. Carriers are not liable for any delayed or undelivered messages. Messages and data rates may apply. View Luqra’s Privacy Policy.

4. Electronic Signatures.

  • Luqra may execute Communications electronically. If Luqra requests, you will execute Communications electronically. You also agree that Communications you or Luqra sign electronically will have the same legal effect as a signed physical document.

5. Hardware and Software Requirements.

  • In order to access, view, sign and retain electronic Communications that Luqra provides to you, you must have:
  • An up-to-date device (e.g., computer, tablet, or mobile phone) which has internet access;
  • A current, compatible web browser, including the current or immediately preceding version of Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Edge;
  • A valid email account;
  • An operating system on your device capable of receiving, accessing and displaying Communications in electronic form via text-formatted email or gaining access to the Luqra Website using a supported browser, including any necessary software (e.g., Adobe to read PDF documents); and
  • If you wish to store or print any Communications, a device capable of storing and printing Communications.
  • If you use a spam filter that blocks or re-routes emails from senders not listed in your email address book, you must add relevant Luqra email accounts to your email address book.

6. Accessibility.

  • If you are having problems viewing or accessing any Communications, please contact us.

7. How to Withdraw Your Consent.

  • Where offered, you may disable electronic Communications in your Luqra Portal, by responding to the Communication with “STOP”, or by following instructions in the Communication. Luqra will confirm when you have successfully unsubscribed. You may also request assistance by texting “HELP” and following the instructions in the Communication.
  • In addition, you may withdraw your consent to receive electronic Communications, or to electronic signatures, under this Disclosure by writing to Luqra at “ATTN: Luqra Support, 4100 Newport Place Drive, Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660” or by contacting Luqra at luqra.com/contact. Your withdrawal of consent to receive electronic Communications will be effective after Luqra has had a reasonable period of time to process your withdrawal.
  • By disabling or withdrawing your consent to electronic Communications, you will no longer receive them from Luqra, but you may be disabling important security controls on your Luqra Account, you may increase the risk of loss to your business, and your ability to use the Services may be adversely affected or terminated.

8. Requesting Paper Copies.

  • You can request paper copies of electronic Communications from Luqra by contacting Luqra at luqra.com/contact. In your request, please specify the Communication you would like to receive in paper form, and your current mailing address.

9. Updating Contact Information.

  • It is your responsibility to keep your contact information, including your primary email address, current. You can update your primary email address and other contact information by logging into your Luqra Portal.

10. U.S. Federal Law.

  • If you are located in the U.S., you acknowledge and agree that the Services are subject to the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (“E-SIGN Act“), and that you intend that the E-SIGN Act will apply to validate your ability to engage electronically in transactions related to the Services.